Mission and objectives
Since its very beginnings and as a corporate citizen, Ellipse Assurances has supported charities, non profit organizations, and various volunteer activities, as a means of helping to build a stronger community.
To perpetuate the values of its founders, to remain fair and transparent to the organizations it supports, and to give a regional flair to its causes, Ellipse Assurances started a foundation that meets its needs as a growing company.
To maximize its investments in the community, the Ellipse Foundation has chosen to focus on the following areas: youth, education and health.
The Ellipse Foundation’s objective is to give out a set amount of money each year, in the form of a donation from the company itself, but also raised through various fundraising activities organized by staff across the province. In addition to this financial support, the Foundation also does volunteer work provided by the employees of Ellipse.

Board of directors
Mr. Marc-Antoine Bernier
Mr. Anthony Dupont
Madam Anabelle Tremblay
Madam Jeannine Thibault
Madam Caroline-Lucie Dufour
Mr. Pierre-Olivier Cantin
Madam Chantal Tardif
Eligibility criteria
To qualify for the support of the Ellipse Foundation, an organization must be able to issue an income tax receipt, including detailed information about the donation received. For that reason, only requests from non-profit organizations or organizations registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) are considered.
- Requests made by or on behalf of an individual or a family in need.
- Organizations that could present an ethical, cultural, security or environmental risk, or whose role or actions may conflict with the interests, reputation or objectives of Ellipse Assurances.
- Groups that discriminate on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation.
- Requests of a political or religious nature.
- Organizations perceived as being associated with the promotion of tobacco use, the manufacturing or distribution of alcohol, gambling, or any other activity that could be detrimental to public health and welfare.
- Groups with unjustifiable administrative costs, that serve a limited number of individuals, or that offer extremely limited benefits to the communities in which they operate.
Attribution rules
The Ellipse Foundation does not contribute more than once per 12-month period to the same activity or same organization. It avoids contributing to several projects that benefit the same organization, unless such projects benefit different communities, in different regions.
The Foundation will consider requests from NPOs in which Ellipse employees, or their family members, are personally involved, but the latter will not receive preferential treatment.
The Ellipse Foundation works with charities or accredited non-profit organizations with a concrete capacity to manage funds and produce reports on their results or achievements.
Board of directors meetings
March 16, 2022
June 15, 2022
September 14, 2022
December 14, 2022
Supported organizations
- Fondation Dr Clown
- Le Pivot
- Gîte Jeunesse
- Fondation Centre Jeunesse Mauricie
- Fondation des Sourds du Québec
- Les Amirams de la Valée
- Fondation des Premières Seigneuries
- Fondation Logis Rose Virginie
- Camp d’été pour jeunes diabétiques de l’Est du Québec inc.
- Petits Entrepreneurs
- Centre de Répit-Dépannage aux Quatre Poches
- Association de soccer mineur d’Amqui Inc
- Fondation Sourdine
- Fondation des services de santé de la MRC de L’Islet
- Deuil Jeunesse
- Espace-Vie TSA
- Action Jeunesse St-Pie X de Longueuil inc. (Maison Kekpart)
- AQEPA Québec-Métro
- Fondation Marie-Ève Saulnier
- Animations Scientifiques Prof-Dino
- Animations Scientifiques Prof-Dino
- Fondation Neuro Trauma Marie-Robert
- Mouvement Léony Hébert
- Fondation de l'Hôpital Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré
- Société Huntington Québec
- Les Déjeuners du bonheur
- Fondation des services de Santé et Services Sociaux des Basques
- Société de sclérose systémique (sclérodermie) du Québec
- Autonhommie
- Abattons les échelons sociaux économiques (ALESE)
- Centre d'initiatives pour le développement communautaire l'Unité
- Maison des Tournesols
- Fondation du Musée de la civilisation
- Fondation Portage
- Fondation du Centre jeunesse du Bas-Saint-Laurent
- La Maison À Petits Pas
- Ressource d'aide aux personnes handicapées Bas Saint-Laurent
Gaspésie Iles-de-la-Madeleine - Intégration TSA
- La Mosaïque
- Fondation de l'autisme de Québec
- Vide ta sacoche
- Fondation Maison Marie-Élisabeth
- Solidarité Familles
- Fondation du Centre Psycho-Pédagogique de Québec
- Fondation de l’autisme de Québec
- Portage
- Société Saint-Vincent de Paul Conférence St-Grégoire le Grand
- Fondation du Collège des Hauts Sommets
- Association des grands brûlés
- Association du cancer de l’Est du Québec
- Patro Roc-Amadour
- Adaptavie
- Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Québec
- Maison des jeunes La Marginale
- Laura Lémerveil
- Le Répit du Passant inc.
- Fondation Élan
- Fondation du CHU de Québec
- Maison de la Famille Nouvelle Beauce
- La Maison Dauphine
- Association d’entraide communautaire La Fontaine
- Société Saint-Vincent-de-Paul de l'ouest de Portneuf
- Préma-Québec
- Fondation Jeunesse de la Côte-Sud
- Fondation villa des plateaux
- Fondation de l'Université Laval - Fonds Rouge et or
- Fondation Cervo
- SOS Accueil St-Raymond
- La maison des jeunes des Îles
- Société Grand Village
- Fondation Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal
- Carrefour des Jeunes de La Pocatière
- La Rencontre
- Association des grands brûlés FLAM
- La lueur de l'espoir Bas-St-Laurent
- La maison des Femmes de Québec
- La fabrique de la Paroisse de Saint-Antonin
- Fondation du Centre matapédien d'études collégiales
- Fondation du CPPQ
- Les Petits Frères
- Le Pavois
- Fondation Signes d'Espoir
Submit a request
Fill out our online form to submit your request.