Questions and answers : PMT ROY becomes Ellipse

Frequently asked questions

We come together to offer you the best. By joining forces, we combine our complementary skills, realize our ambitions, and become a focal point for talent. This merger will enable us to introduce remarkable technological advances in insurance distribution, broadening our range of solutions to meet your needs even more effectively. For you, this means faster service, a wider range of insurance solutions, and additional advice thanks to specialized talent and risk management. 

We are committed to providing you with a positive, needs-driven experience. Combining our local presence with our international capabilities, we offer personalized support, to serve you efficiently, transparently, and professionally.

The name “Ellipse Assurances” has been carefully chosen to reflect our core values and our commitment to you, our customers. “Ellipse” evokes the idea of including and protecting, essential concepts in the field of insurance. By choosing this name, we are demonstrating our commitment to providing reliable, long-lasting coverage, as well as our determination to evolve and innovate for your benefit.